
Showing posts from April, 2021
Wellness corner Hello there  Using every simple kitchen ingredient to promote your health and that of your family. If we can roll back the hand of the clock I personally would have started taking my own health and lifestyle into my hand at a very young age however, you can start right where you are and you will be amazed; simply 10- 15 minutes of exercise daily will go a long way. start today! do it now. please check out below
10 Foods That Have Been Genetically Modified Beyond Recognition TIFFANY HOWARD Would you eat or even recognize these  foods  in their original forms? Chances are that you wouldn’t. Genetically modified foods are a big source of debate these days. Some don’t want anything to do with modern GMOs, while others are all for them. However, a lot of people don’t realize that many of today’s fruits and vegetables wouldn’t exist without careful selective breeding. In fact, the original versions of these popular plants might be downright unrecognizable to the modern public.   The earliest known cultivated carrots were first grown in the 10th century in Asia Minor and   Persia . Before it was domesticated, the wild carrot was spread all over the world. Seeds up to 5,000 years old have been discovered in Europe. Carrots The carrot’s original appearance was small and white. It also had more of a forked appearance like a plant root. Most likely, ancient cultures used it as a medicinal plant. [1] It’